Mysterious Stranger or Playful Neighbor

If you’ve ever read something by Fr. Jacques Philippe before, you likely know that dichotic feeling of being gently spoken to while being punched in the gut. While reading his book, In the School of the Holy Spirit, I was reintroduced to a friend, the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. I say friend because Fr. Jacques breaks down any pretense and barrier I had towards this mysterious neighbor who everyday knocks at my door. My home has been filled with too many noises competing for my attention to even notice this sweet friend’s invitation to play. When I did hear vague sounds of knocking, I was afraid of the unknown stranger and what He might bring or how I might fall short and disappoint Him. Many times, I was simply too busy to answer. For the sake of productivity and getting the work of the Lord done, I clung to other priorities. 

I often forget that God’s greatest desire is me, not my work for him, not even His will or “plan” for me. His will is me and Him. Heaven is described as complete unity with God. If we are to build the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth, why would unity with God not be our number one priority? When my priority is me and Him, the work He calls me to flows out of our intimacy through the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Jacque breaks down how to foster and discern these inspirations so simply. I feel like he is speaking to my helpless and innocent inner child as he offers basic daily practices and postures.

I invite you to let go of any excuses you may be hiding behind and open the door to get to know the person of the Holy Spirit on the other side. If that seems like a daunting task, try reading Fr. Jacques’ book. It was what I needed to feel secure and seen in my incompetence.

Emily Blasdell | @emilymaps