Darling Magazine Issue 25: Purpose
In the article called “Limbo Land” the author really called me out for how I’m living my life in the midst of transition. My Greenhouse Immersion Year comes at a very interesting time- I’ve known for all of it that my time in Pensacola is a very short stop on the journey to England to marry my love. It is tempting to live disengaged, to experience adventures and love people half heartedly because this is a stop along the journey, not the final destination. “Don’t get too invested, it’s only going to hurt more at the end,” my mind says; however, aren’t we always in the midst of transition? Aren’t we always working towards a goal or a dream or a promotion?
I’ve realized though that we were made for relationship, we were made for belonging, we were made for unbroken circles of family. This article brought me back to the truth that my life isn’t about “arriving” and my purpose doesn’t come from what I do, but from who I’m with. So in the final months of my immersion year, my focus is now on my tribe, my community, living life fully engaged and investing wholeheartedly.
Madi Myers-Cook | @madimyerscook