Anxious Rest v. Active Rest


I think active rest or “play” is the condition of a relaxed soul. Allowing ourselves to play is a direct fruit of abiding and not striving. In a time where exhaustion has become a status symbol and productivity impacts our self worth, we often throw leisure aside or mistake it for scrolling on our phones or binging episodes of The Office. 

Whether we realize it or not, when this becomes our norm we are rejecting our identities as sons and daughters of the Father. Let’s not forget where our roots come from back in the garden. The first full day of man’s life on earth was a day of rest, and I can’t help but think the Father had a whole day of play and adventure waiting for Adam. 

Being able to play is not a luxury for the few but instead a necessity for all. 

Below is a list we can use to check in with our minds and our hearts to gauge where we are when we try to rest:

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