A Communal Guide for Lectio Divina
Scripture is so much more than a book of history, prayers, and revelation. Scripture is a living word that speaks to us every time we read it. The practice of Lectio Divina, a way to engage with God through Scripture, is an integral part of our Greenhouse communal prayer. There are many explanations on how to pray Lectio Divina on the internet. We would simply like to share how we incorporate this practice into our local Greenhouse communal prayer and invite you to build community in the same way.
Invite 3-5 friends to commit to a weekly communal Lectio Divina. You can meet in person or over a video call. We recommend setting a consistent time each week. Select a Scripture: Individuals can take turns choosing the Scripture passage or you can select a liturgical reading from that day or week.
Read the Scripture passage aloud and underline words or phrases that stick out to you. Take about a few minutes after reading aloud to select one of those words or phrases to focus on for the next steps. Then, take turns sharing with one another the word or phrase you have selected with no explanation on why you chose it or what the Lord might already be saying.
Silently read back through the Scripture passage with your selected word or phrase in mind. Meditate and ponder what the Lord maybe be communicating to you by focusing on the thoughts and feelings this word or phrase evokes. Be sure to leave room for silence to listen to the Lord.
After you have mediated on the word or phrase, open up a conversation with God about it. Respond with questions, gratitude,and/or your thoughts.
Close out your prayer by resting in silence and gratitude. SHARE After about 15 minutes of this personal prayer meditation, responding, and contemplating, take turns sharing what the Lord spoke to you during that time. Allow this sharing to lead you into deeper conversation with one another.
Continue to practice Lectio Divina with this same scripture each day during your own personal prayer time. BONUS: Continue to connect with one another throughout the week and share about your engagement with the word of God.